Transform Your Appearance with Liposuction Solutions

Discover the ideal solution for stubborn fat that defies conventional methods. Liposuction is a minimally-invasive procedure that offers the key to attaining the sculpted body you longed for.
Before Liposuction consultation marking


Conquer Stubborn Fats with Precision

Say goodbye to the physical and emotional toll of battling stubborn fats. Liposuction, often misunderstood as a weight-loss fix, is your solution to sculpting your body into a smoother, more confident shape.

With our liposuction services, you can:

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    Get rid of stubborn fat deposits.
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    Tighten loose skin.
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    Improve your overall body shape.
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    Boost your self-confidence.


Why Liposuction?

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    Liposuction precisely targets localised fat deposits, offering a personalised transformation tailored to your unique needs.
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    This isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution; it’s about addressing your concerns and reshaping your body according to your preferences.
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    Beyond aesthetics, liposuction may bring potential health benefits by removing excess fat, contributing to overall well-being.
Liposuction informative diagram
Dr Andrew Cheah

Our Surgeon

Dr Andrew Cheah

MBChB (UK), MRCSI (UK), MMed (Surg, NUS), FAMS (Plastic Surgery)

Dr. Andrew Cheah is an internationally-accredited Board Certified Specialist Plastic Surgeon proficient in both aesthetic and reconstructive procedures. With over a decade of surgical practice, Dr Cheah has performed numerous liposuction procedures successfully.

His preferred method revolves around the tumescent technique, complemented by the SAFE (Separation, Aspiration, and Fat Equalization) approach. Concurrently, he favours Power Assisted Liposuction as his equipment of choice. This strategic combination ensures heightened control and precision, delivering an effective and meticulously tailored outcome for each patient.

Dr Cheah’s careful selection of techniques and equipment enables him to provide optimal results tailored to his patients’ unique needs and desired outcomes.

Start Your Transformation Through Personalised Solutions

Are you longing for a physique that can make you feel positive, confident, and inspired? Our liposuction techniques offer a bespoke approach to sculpting your dream body.

Diagram Neck Liposuction

Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction (UAL)

Experience the epitome of accuracy in body contouring with UAL, harnessing ultrasonic energy to target stubborn fat pockets.

Diagram of Liposuction

Laser-Assisted Liposuction (LAL)

Let the power of laser technology break up unwanted fats and sculpt the contours you’ve always envisioned for yourself.

Diagram of Liposuction at stomach areas

Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL)

PAL’s mechanical movements ensure efficiency, especially for larger areas or denser fat.

Diagram of Liposuction at thighs

Tumescent Liposuction

Bid farewell to unwanted fat with the added comfort of local anaesthesia for a pain-free transformation.

Why Choose Us

Consultation, Customisation & Care

Let the power of laser technology break up unwanted fats and sculpt the contours you’ve always envisioned for yourself.

Your liposuction journey begins with a detailed consultation. Dr Cheah identifies specific concerns, evaluates your medical history and conducts a brief examination.


This personalised approach ensures a safe, comprehensive plan tailored to your needs.


Regular follow-up visits ensure your progress is tracked and any adjustments are made for an optimal outcome.

Frequently Asked Questions

You could be if you maintain a stable, preferably ideal weight and are generally healthy. Our surgeon will do a “pinch test” to evaluate the amount of bulging fat required for the liposuction procedure.

You could be if you maintain a stable, preferably ideal weight and are generally healthy. Our surgeon will do a “pinch test” to evaluate the amount of bulging fat required for the liposuction procedure.
The best choice hinges on your specific body goals and overall physical condition. Dr Cheah’s expertise particularly stands out with the Tumescent technique combined with the SAFE approach. This careful and strategic method involves precise contouring and equalisation, ensuring you achieve the best possible results.
Smoking poses risks for liposuction, increasing complications. Surgeons often discourage it due to higher risks like reduced blood flow, impaired healing, and anaesthesia risks.
The safe limit is around 2L (2 kg), depending on your body and goals—higher amounts increase complications. Consult our plastic surgeon for personalised advice.
This varies by treated area and procedure extent. Expect 1-2 weeks for light activity and 4-6 weeks for full recovery.
Fat cells removed will not return, ensuring results last over a decade. For lasting optimal appearance, maintain a stable weight and healthy lifestyle.
Lounge Area at Nuffield Plastic Surgery

Schedule Your Consultation with Dr. Andrew Cheah

Book your consultation today

Body Liposuction Form

Start Your Transformation

At Nuffield Plastic Surgery, we refuse to let stubborn fat hinder your confidence and comfort in your own skin. Book your consultation today and discover how liposuction can help you achieve your desired body.

Trim, Tone, And Transform

Ready to step into a new chapter of self-confidence? Call now for a detailed consultation to start your liposuction transformation.

Our Location

501 Orchard Road, Wheelock Place,
#05-15, Singapore 238880

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday : 9am – 6pm
Saturday : 9am – 1pm

Your satisfaction is our priority

We prioritise your well-being above all else. Our empathetic team provides comprehensive pre- and post-operative care, guiding you through every stage of your transformation.