Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) involves the removal of excess skin and fat, tightening abdominal muscles, and repositioning the belly button.
Slim Body after Tummy Tuck


Benefits of Abdominoplasty

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    Enhanced Abdominal Contour: Experience a well-defined and contoured abdomen, contributing to a more youthful appearance.
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    Improved Waist Definition: Enhance the natural curves of your waist, achieving a sculpted and proportional silhouette.
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    Reduced Excess Skin and Fat: Eliminate excess skin and fat, achieving a flatter and toned midsection that enhances aesthetic and physical comfort.

What is a Tummy Tuck?

A Tummy Tuck is an abdominoplasty, a surgical procedure designed to reshape and contour the abdomen. This transformative procedure involves the removal of excess skin and fat, tightening abdominal muscles, and repositioning the belly button. The result is a rejuvenated and toned appearance that goes beyond aesthetics to impact one’s self-image positively.

Types of Abdominoplasty:

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    Full Abdominoplasty: This comprehensive approach addresses the upper and lower abdomen, making it suitable for individuals with significant excess skin and muscle laxity.
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    Mini Abdominoplasty: Focused on the lower abdomen, this option is suitable for individuals with less excess skin and muscle laxity. It is a more targeted approach for those needing less extensive correction.
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    Specialised Abdominoplasty - Repair of Muscles (Diastasis Recti): Our abdominoplasty procedure offers a tailored solution for mothers troubled by Diastasis Recti or patients specifically seeking muscle repair. This targeted repair addresses muscle separation, providing functional improvement and cosmetic enhancement. Despite its specialised focus, the incision for this procedure is the same as traditional abdominoplasty.
Tummy Tuck Slim Model
Recovery & Well-Being

Tummy Tuck Recovery Tips

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    Follow Postoperative Care Guidelines: Adhere to specific postoperative care guidelines from your plastic surgeon for a smooth recovery.
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    Limited Physical Activity: During the initial recovery period, limiting strenuous activities to promote healing and minimise discomfort is essential.
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    Attend Follow-Up Appointments: Regularly attend follow-up appointments with your plastic surgeon to monitor healing progress and address any concerns, ensuring the best possible outcome.
Hand pinching abdomen fat
Dr Andrew Cheah

Your Ally For Beauty Transformation

Meet Dr Andrew Cheah

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    MOH accredited Board Certified Specialist Plastic Surgeon.
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    Graduated from the University of Leicester, United Kingdom, with qualifications from the Royal College of Surgeons and the National University of Singapore.
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    Specialises in facial surgery and body contouring, including non-invasive treatments and laser therapies.
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    Openly engages with patients to thoroughly understand their needs and concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of a Tummy Tuck in Singapore varies depending on factors such as the extent of the procedure, the surgeon’s expertise, and the facility where the surgery occurs. Schedule a personalised consultation with Dr Andrew Cheah for an accurate assessment and transparent cost breakdown.
The cost of a Tummy Tuck in Singapore varies depending on factors such as the extent of the procedure, the surgeon’s expertise, and the facility where the surgery occurs. Schedule a personalised consultation with Dr Andrew Cheah for an accurate assessment and transparent cost breakdown.
Excess skin and fat are removed during a Tummy Tuck, and the abdominal muscles may be tightened. This reshapes the abdomen, creating a flatter and more toned appearance. The procedure is tailored to address individual concerns and achieve natural-looking results.
Recovery time from a Tummy Tuck varies among individuals but typically involves initial discomfort, swelling, and bruising.
Lounge Area at Nuffield Plastic Surgery

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Our Location

501 Orchard Road, Wheelock Place,
#05-15, Singapore 238880

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday : 9am – 6pm
Saturday : 9am – 1pm

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We prioritise your well-being above all else. Our empathetic team provides comprehensive pre- and post-operative care, guiding you through every stage of your transformation.